Quick Practice & Stats
Jump back in faster, see longer result timeframes.

by Tarun
Creator, tuneUPGRADE
Hey everyone! This latest round of updates are focused on some long-standing asks from users as well as more user experience improvements.
Up first is the Quick Practice card.
This will show the last 5 routines or individual tunes/exercises you've practiced for quick access to jump back into them. This should help with finding the common items you practice very quickly, as soon as you log in.
Next up is the new Stats page.
To start, this page will show you a 30 day trend of your practice. More stats will be coming as well - this is just a start!
Additionally, if you want to do your own analysis on whatever practice data you want, clicking the "see all your logs" link will take you to the logs page - with a new addition - the ability to export your logs to CSV:
Lastly, note that since the Logs page link has changed to the Stats page, you can now add or adjust individual logs via the Adjust Time button on the dashboard, in the Your Practice Time card.
I hope you find these updates useful, and as always, if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, contact me at [email protected]!
This post is part of the The Beat, a blog by the free music practice tracker tuneUPGRADE. Sign up and start tracking your practice to become a better musician today - totally free!
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