Tune List Sorting

A few more organization options.

by Tarun

Creator, tuneUPGRADE

There's a small update today on the tunes list that gives a few extra sort options and makes it easier to access sorting options:

2024-02-06 Tune List Sorting

You'll now find a sort dropdown and a clickable order icon above the tunes list on desktop and mobile. This gives you two sort options from before (Artist and Name), but gives you two new ones as well (Created and Last Practiced), letting you sort your lists by when you created a tune, or when you last practiced one.

Sorts are saved on a per-list basis, so if you prefer to see your exercises from newest to oldest, and see which tunes you haven't practiced in a while on the learning list on top, tuneUPGRADE will remember your preference on each tab independently.

Don't forget that you can click a tag as well to filter your lists down!

Happy practicing!

This post is part of the The Beat, a blog by the free music practice tracker tuneUPGRADE. Sign up and start tracking your practice to become a better musician today - totally free!