Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Donations are certainly welcome to help me offset the cost of hosting, which I pay for out of pocket. I created tuneUPGRADE to help musicians around the world learn, no matter what they can spend. If you can spare a few bucks once or help cover costs on a montly basis, please donate to help me out!

tuneUPGRADE will help you track your practice by helping to reinforce proper practice habits, such as:
  • Tracking the songs you want to work on.
  • Creating a practice routine with guideline times for each item, prompting you to move on when time is up.
  • Letting you capture practice notes for each tune you're working on.
  • Tracking time spent towards a weekly goal of music practice.
  • Allowing you to organize what you're working on vs. exercises vs. what you've already learned.

Absolutely! Most enhancements are directly requested by the community. Please contact [email protected] for any feedback.

tuneUPGRADE is built to accomodate any instrument or vocalist who wishes to track their practice. There's no specific instrument it assumes.

tuneUPGRADE is built as a responsive website, so you can easily load it up in your browser on any device. tuneUPGRADE is also installable as a progressive web app - simply follow the mobile installation instructions to create an icon on your homescreen on your phone.

Any kind! Since you add the songs and exercises you want to work on, learn to play classic, rock, blues, jazz, or anything else on tuneUPGRADE!

tuneUPGRADE does not replace the need for a teacher or someone who can help guide you on how to learn an instrument - it's simply meant to make sure you are hitting your practice goals. The tuneUPGRADE blog has some posts about how to make the most out of your practice time, but work with your teacher to figure out where you really need to improve!