Practicing: Take a tour of the practice screen
Tons of features!

by Tarun
Creator, tuneUPGRADEThe Practice Screen
Let's take a deeper look at the practice screen with nearly everything populated for a tune:
Title & Artist is listed on the top, indicating what to practice.
Tags are specified below.
If you've populated a Book & Page, this will also appear here (not shown in screenshot).
The Open Materials link will open any linked materials in a new tab. This link only shows up if you've populated the Link to Materials in the Tunes area.
The Countdown Timer is below that. When this hits 0, a tone will sound letting you know you're ready to move on, and it will change to a green CountUp Timer. This is the time tracked that you've played.
The Prev, Pause, Next buttons let you jump between tunes in your routine, or pause/resume the timer as needed.
All tunes will have the Metronome section. Clicking this flies out an adjustable metronome. Tempo set is stored with the tune, so when you come back and practice again, the last tempo you set will be automatically set.
The Materials flyout will be available if you've populated the Link to Materials field in the Tunes area. Flying this out will attempt to frame in the materials linked to, but note some websites do not permit framing in content this way.
The Spotify and YouTube flyouts will show any linked Spotify track or YouTube video if populated on the tune.
Below that, the dots show where you are overall in your routine, and how my tunes remain to practice.
Finally, you have the Practice Notes section. You can easily edit and update your practice notes as you practice a tune. A good habit to get into is to always update your practice notes at the end of practicing a tune, and reviewing them right away the first time you practice.